Fan-Ball Wiki


Owner: Gamelover101
Seed being Grown: Thunder seed
Full grow expected by: 803-805
Expected species of plant: Vine
Note: none
Operator: HankGuideDude
Plant: Zaplimite (♂) Zaplimite Can control Thunder, though it does not mean he's immune against Thunder.

Owner: Gamelover101
Seed being Grown: Black Seed
Full grow expected by: 809
Expected species of plant: Tree
Note: none
Operator: HankGuideDude
Plant: Darkour (♀) Darkour

Owner: Gamelover101
Seed being Grown: Bomb Seed
Full grow expected by: 825-826
Expected species of plant: Flower
Note: An explosion will occur upon hatching.
Operator: David7015
Plant: Bombaroken Bombaroken (Female) Some of the petals are damaged due to the explosion.